This weekend a dress commission
led me to create a little ballerina dress

She wanted a 'tutu dress'
and since I prefer not to use stiff tulle for dresses
on this tiny girl
I chose a very soft English netting
everything was then dyed Whisper blue
It's one of my favorite colors on Musette
And my willing model 
did not really want to take it off!

So am thinking I will need to make her
a dress of  her own!!

Here she discovers a tiny faerie house

and will not be happy
until the faerie comes out!!


Caterina Giglio said...

absolutely adorable... hope all is well with you Rella, dear... xo

Terri said...

Oh such a fine dress! And yes, she does look like she is loving it too! Her Fairy/bird house is totally gorgeous!

Torisaur said...

Oh how dreamy! It's so beautiful like all of your work :)

~Red Tin Heart~ said...


CathWren said...

Hello Rella! Thanks so much for stopping by. It's seems like ages since we chatted. Your blog is looking lovelier than ever. I hope you are well. My son Ian is now at NYU -- still no hot water or heat in his apartment, the subway he takes to school is not running and a Noreaster approaches.

Vanessa said...

Hi Rella, ahere did you get your Musette doll? I love your dolls Vanessa