HAVE YOU EVER...............

settled down

surrounded in the blissfulness of silence

with a hot cup of coffee

and turned on your laptop....

beginning the daily ritual of blog hopping

and catching up with friends



rocking loud

piece of music
jumps out at you
knocks you upside the head..........


startled out of peacefulness,
you spill your coffee all over yourself????

have you?

Well I have.

and today,
after having this happen

TOOOOOOOOOO often......

I zipped over to the control panel of the 'puter

and switched the sound to MUTE.

I wonder what took me so long to utilize that magical control panel setting??

ahhhhhhhhhhhh, back to bliss.


Mahala said...

I once had a blogger ask me to turn off the music on my blog so that wouldn't happen to him when he visited, so I did. I removed it.
Mahala :)

Rella said...

Goodness.....that is graciousness mondo beyondo, craftyhala!!
xo Rella

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

I do hate it when that happens!
xoxo Nita