Thanks so much for all your comments after my frustration. I've experienced the missing items several times since creating this blog and have been tempted to switch to another blogger venue. The past few days have been o.k., so maybe I just experience a hiccup once in a while.

I have not done any artwork for many days now. When I get home from work there are cafe issues to deal with and creativity is gone. I will be off during the holiday week and may get a moment to do a piece or two and catch up with all the art groups. I've been such a missing link when it comes to the groups.........they all may forget who the heck Rella is!! :)

I'm also going to experiment with taking digital photos at night of all the crazy holiday lights on neighborhood homes. I guess when there isn't snow people go nuts with holiday lights on their homes to help foster the spirit. Some of it's gorgeous.......some of it's too over the top. If I'm successful I will post here and let you decide. Ohhh, and just so you know, it DOES get cold here sometimes. I had to scrape frost off my car two mornings in a row.........and we don't have ice scrapers!! But a CD jewel case works really well. :)

1 comment:

Maija said...

I love using very easy!