Snow & Jellybean

The past two days have been quite nice.
I've heard it will not stay this way
No doubt we will still need the A/C
But I feel the hope
that the brutal summer is letting up.

Jim played my assistant this afternoon
he held my girl Snow
and I took photos.
It's been months since we could be out to do this.
So under the fig tree we went.

I usually have Snow's hair in braids
It's the way I like it best.

However, Thursday night I washed 
and conditioned her hair

and decided to leave it down for a bit.

But not long.
The braids and ribbons go back in tomorrow... I think.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends.


Terri said...

Hello Dear Rella,
I am glad you are getting a break from your hot weather. We are finally getting one here too!
Snow is so sweet! I haven't seen a more adorable girl!

Cinderella Moments said...

Dreamy pictures!! She is so gorgeous.