As I left Whole Foods (AKA: Whole Paycheck) I drove in silence

deep in thought about the road ahead on my newest journey.

I was reflecting, also, about some of life's challenges I've experienced

and how in getting through the really difficult ones...

I've changed.

Sometimes the change was less than stellar, but mostly I feel

the changes have been positive in one way or another.

I sincerely feel that it's not how many times you stumble

and fall on your face.

What counts and shapes us most

is the number of times we

get back up

dust ourselves off

stand tall....make decisions...(some times hard ones)

...and alter the course.

Thus, the newest journey.

I share it here,

(when I am typically careful NOT to share too much of the deeply personal)

because it may be something that someone 'out there' needs to hear

right now.

It is a
Pay It Forward type of post because this friend listened

to that still, small voice,

and mentioned a journey SHE took that might help me.

And I knew instantly,

hair standing straight up on your arm, kind of knowing

that what she was sharing was the direction I needed.

You see, I have not been feeling well for a very long time.

Over five years, really, as I look back

and try to chart the spiral downward.

Several bouts of shingles and PHN later, I am struggling to get through each day

doing 1/10th of what I was able to do those many years ago.

I am too young to feel so old.

So with Sandy's wonderful help, I am preparing for a detox

by Dr. Mark Hyman

because I want to take back what was mine...

because I want to enjoy vitality again...

because I want the 30 or 40 years ahead of me to be full and fun...

because I am worth it.

Photo courtesy of philwirks


Kateyed said...

Yes, you really are, Rella!

Claudia said...

Good for you - and you ARE worth it.


Joanne Huffman said...

I have a few friends who deep cleanse/de-tox on a yearly basis and believe it is the best possible way to treat their bodies. I hope it works out for you and gives your body the fresh start you want.

ImagiMeri said...

Hi Rella,

I'm so happy for you and proud of you. Could you please share with me your journey (via email) to see if it will help me as well.


Anonymous said...

I'm reaching through the computer giving you a great big hug!!! Can you feel it?

I went through a nightmare 7 years ago, but wouldn't trade any of it, because what I learned was a gift.

Take wonderful care of yourself. Eat good food (love the whole paycheck comment), rest, get in some gentle exercise, spend time with those you love... love yourself!
And YES! You are worth it!!!

Big hugs,

Terri said...

Whoo hooo yes you are!!!
Blessings on your journey to a cleaner, lighter, healthier you!
Healing hugs,

Ineke Original said...

Wishing you the best.You are good the way you are.