Saturday at the Nest

turn my music box off if you head to the video

Today there are no art projects being tended to

It is a half day of clean up and then off to sister's house

to catch up on life and meet one of her friends

A Girl Gab Fest

But my heart is a bit heavy today for my new daughter-in-law

fondly referred to as DIL

Yesterday she quite suddenly lost her father.

A man I had only first met this past September

when our two children were married on the beach at N. Truro.

When my boy called me choking back tears to tell me,
my heart just sank.

Knowing all too well the feeling
of losing a parent around that age myself.

I wanted to wrap my arms around them both.

I wanted to tell my DIL that I understood her grief

and how sad I was for her
while giving her a hug.

It's so hard to give the same quality of love and assurance

when there are so many miles between us.

Our little birds.

We cannot protect them from anything, really.

I opened my front door a few minutes ago and the sky

is so intensely blue
not a cloud.......not a threat of anything.

(Yes, I 'shopped in' a flower on the of the street sign)

As I snapped a shot of the view from my door
I wanted to tell my DIL

that sometime in the future
(and the time is different for us all)

the happiness and joy of the blue sky will return

and happy and loving memories
will fill that ripped out place in her heart right now.

Memories of a little girl holding her Daddy's hand

A Dad that was tall and strong and protective of his two little girls.

A Dad who many years later walked her down the beach


to the arms of my son

A Dad who stood behind them making sure

that young man was promising to love her
and keep her and cherish her like he did.

Beautiful memories of a good life and a solid foundation.

Looking out from the dark and sad place,
blue skies will return

you do, however, see with different eyes.

xox MIL


Anonymous said...

Cindy Rella: What a beautiful post for your DIL. She will be deeply touched by your careful, sweet words of wisdom and understanding. You have an amazing heart.
Lovezzzzzzzzzzzzzz you,
Audra Mae
I will be thinking of your DIL today and sending her some extra strength.

Caterina Giglio said...

oh sweetie, what a tough thing, so hard to watch the suffering of others. this is such a lovely post and I know she will love it.. it takes the time it does to heal, however long that is... as we surely know. love... love and tons of smoochlets!

Unknown said...

Dear Rella,
My care, concern and compassion come to you and yours from my little corner of Washington State. I see I've arrived at a very sad moment for all of you.
I am Jacqueline from Once Upon a Fairyland..I loved reading back in your blog this morning. I wanted to add a new blogging friend and I hand picked you.
I am a marketing director by day and my morning I'm a blogger and creative writer on the Once Upon a Fairyland blog which is my childhood home. I also write on a blog called auntie jacquelines which is the old aunt wanna be in me that is a little raw on the edges and I also write on Nowhere...a tale of animal friends. I love gnomes, elves, storybook homes, creative writing, and much much more. Please come visit me and if you want to join into my gave show give away I'll be holding it again next weekend. Sorry to be so long winded...wink!

Maija said...

Your DIL is so lucky to have such a compasionate and loving MIL!

Rella said...

Thank you, Audra Mae, Cat, Jacqueline, and Maija......Really I am the lucky one. The next best thing to having fab kids is having a super fab DIL join the clan. I hope the same for you when the time comes!!

xox Rella