With the help of dear Kirsi of iTKUPILLI
You can, once again, see that this place is Faerieluna.

I stumbled upon Kirsi's blog a few weeks ago
and purchased a few digital pages that I was head-over-heels loving.
She does a beautiful job and is constantly adding new images, of course,

I want to shop all the time!!!

Quickly I saw that she is a generous soul.

She has the most amazing,
step-by-step tutorials
to help you with creating on your blog,
and I just love her 'darker side'
that is still amazingly beautiful.

Jump on over and visit Kirsi. You will not be disappointed.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy Rella!!! This "new" blog is fantabulous!!! So darkly, sparkly wonderful. Very cool, very now and so suited to YOU!!
Congrats and good luck!!! I am impressed!
Lovezzzzzzzzzz you,
Audra Mae

Rella said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, I knew you would luvzzzzzzzzzzz the new look, were top of that list.
Isn't just fab...dark, but still lovely? Just in time for that darkly, sparkly time of year.

xox Rella

catworx said...

I LOVE your new look, Rella!!!! It is very magical & makes a story start in my mind...I love that!!!
Isn't Itkupilli the most marvelous artist, I'm quite addicted to her digi sheets as well!!!

Sharon Tomlinson said...

It's so loverly. Thank goodness you found a real guru instead of that fake one.
I need a make over at my place too. Never stop long enough to do it.