I wanted to share a few of my favorite things.

not exclusive to this day,

I am just taking a moment to share them

THIS day.

I am home today.

I need extra rest from the crazy place
to nurture myself
and shake
the virus that persists.

I've listened to that small voice........something I am working diligently towards.

I'm on a journey my friends.

Working towards clearing some of the clutter

physically and mentally.

It's a profoundly quiet time, really, as I go inward to do some 'work'.

It feels to some around me as if I have become even more reclusive.

There is just so much swirling around in my head
as I try to understand the bigger picture
and not be waylaid by what might be insignificant
or unnecessary.

or less than kind
or giving

or true.

And I am like a magpie,
I collect and hoard things.

Things I love,

things I think I may need later.

If one cigar box is good, then I will have 10.
Paper, magazines, books, pens, paints.

all to create

I'm sure you get the picture.

I surround myself with these things and then the feeling of


begins to invade my spirit and I become uneasy.

.....and I have to walk outside and feel the peace

Then there is the negative energy of that crazy place
Monday through Friday.

So what does a Scorpio do??

SHE addresses the situation head on.

I have been sorting through and ridding myself of the clutter.

It's a slow process as I can get distracted......but I stay the course.

And right alongside of that... I sort through the


and I read...
and contemplate...
and write.

I am reading Life Is A Verb by Patti Digh.

37 Days To Wake Up, Be Mindful, And Live Intentionally.

This is a MUST READ.

Not even into the numbered pages we read
a quote on page vi

Time only seems to matter when it's running out ~ Peter Strup.

This book is so beautifully written.....

She exhorts us that no matter how many days we have left to:

  • Say Yes, How can you live a "yes, and" rather than "yes, but" kind of life?

  • Be Generous. How can you give (and receive) something more valuable than money or things?

  • Speak Up. How can you stand tall, yet give up your attachment to being right?
  • Love More. How could adoration (of yourself and others) revolutionize your life?

  • Trust Yourself. How can you choose who you spend your time with?

  • Slow Down. How can you pay attention and stand still in a world moving at warp speed?

I challenge anyone to NOT be changed after reading it.

I ordered my copy on Amazon.com and had it in one day with regular shipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and to hold my place each day is my latest favorite book mark.

A tag that my dear friend Lynnie
(I cannot link her as she does not have a blog yet)
made me.

I love it so.

The three eggs signify to me......my three precious birds.
The bird flying away is raised up a bit and has a shadow effect
as it was also stamped underneath.
As were the three eggs.

The word nest is embossed in a roughly, perfect way
and there is metallic stitching down the left side.

My photo does not do justice to the amazing coloring of this little piece.

I so love this tag that it's an absolute pleasure to take it out and put it back as I read.

Now to share my favorite cleaning item.

If you have NOT tried this...............run to the store and pick up a box.

I love this product!!!!

Two sponges come inside
and I have cut one to use exclusively on the steaming wand of my espresso machine.
Takes that glued on...milk crust that forms each and every time I use it!!

The other portion is for the top of my flat surface stove.
Nothing, NOTHING!! cleans that surface from EVERYTHING
like this magic sponge.

The other sponge is for household things like annoying scuffs on door trim or walls.....
or marks on the textured handle of the fridge.

I keep one in the bathroom for the tub..........I will not go on about the uses, but I will exhort you to give this amazing product a try.

Yes, you will thank me.

I will cross my arms and smile


Sharon Tomlinson said...

Enjoy your time. Do all that you want to do and nothing that you do not want to do. Oh the clutter, I've got some of that but it's all my treasures. On your recommendation...I'm gettin some of that stuff.
I received your beautiful post card and I can't even remember if I told you. I'm in a artspin.

Maija said...

I WILL use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!

suze said...

I don't like clutter yet I always have it around. I am working on letting go and getting rid of stuff. It is painful but must be done. Sounds like I need some therapy! I also like the magic eraser. Oh, and you know shorthand?! It always boggled my mind...do they still use it today?

~*~Patty S said...

Your post 'really' speaks to me Rella! I know that if you let things go it makes room for more....but do I need more? Do I want more? When is enough...enough...things speak to me, I rescue them and the treasures are everywhere. I hope that you get to the place you hope to be...comfortably, gently and happily! Take care and thank you also for the book recommendation, I dream of reading much more than I seem to get around to to it lately! The bookmark from your friend is really lovely!!! oxo

andyann said...

Dear Rella,
Thank you so much for sending the
angel print. I have it right here beside me. That was an amazingly thoughtful thing to do and I truly appreciate it!
I can identify with the issue of gathering and collecting things you love, things with which to create, and the concern about clutter. I do believe clutter is in the eye of the beholder. Also, I am not certain that artists were meant to be neat or orderly. The entire process of creating something on the physical level is messy. It is a fine line to walk, indeed. I do also believe that clearing one's physical space clears the space within. However, I am striving to strike a balance.
A mystical state of being between having what I love and finding what I need!
Please be gentle with yourself. I was reminded recently in something I read that patience, especially with one's self, is a form of love.
Phoenix, Arizona

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Great post. I loved the tag your friend made you.
Hope you have a wonderful Friday. love nita <3

CathWren said...

I am someone who really doesn't function well in clutter, which is so at odds with the nature of working with collage and mixed media. But, it's like everything else, you find the balance. In 1992, we lost our home in Hurricane Andrew. Instantly, your priorities rearrange themselves. I wrote about it in my journal later, marveling how I was able to throw that favorite jar that held my button collection into the trash with the rest of the house.

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