Have you ever tried to rescue a moth
determined to come inside...
drawn to the light?

Have you cupped her in your hands
as gently as you could
releasing her
back to the safety of the night....

and once inside discovered the
iridescent dust of her wings
now sparkling on your fingers...

.....and contemplated
the fragility

...of life?

~ rella


Lori said...

this made me cry...i am just a huge ball of emotions right now...sometimes it just needs to pour out...thanks Rella:)

Rella said...

Oh, Sweet Lori. I am so sorry this made you cry. You more than likely DO just need to let it all out.

As I stood looking at the glittery wing dust I was so struck by the enormity of the thought of this fragile life.......I stood still and let it wash over me. Sometimes the smallest and most simple thought can slay you. Don't forget to be good to YOU.
xo Rella

Connie said...

Oh my goodness, YES ! Last night in fact. While getting a drink of water, a big white moth came fluttering out from behind the curtain in the kitchen window. It startled me and I knew that if I sat down again it would pop out from below the light I was using to read by in the living room and startle me again. I tried to catch it with my cupped hands but to no avail. After attempting it 3 times I stopped so as not to harm the beautiful little thing. I decided it would be much better to have her flutter by me by surprise now and then rather than harm her while trying to set her free.
Thanks so much for your beautiful post. Connie

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

i tried to catch a moth last summer that had came into the house and was drawn by the bathroom light. i tried for an hour to catch it. i finally got john out of bed and begged him to help me. he groggily got up and came into the bathroom and caught it in 2 seconds!
i miss him... catching my moths.
love nita

Betzie said...

Just stopped by,,,,this is beautiful. I've always loved moths as much as butterflies. I once had a ciacada moth's cocoon in a jar as a child and watched it come out. I released it and was so in awe.
Life is a fragile thing for sure. Hugs...