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Blog: Ornamental
By: Nina Bagley

Artist, photographer, teacher, writer, visionary.

Like a deep, refreshing drink of water when you
find yourself smothered, surrounded in the less than real.

This is how I described a visit at Ornamental.

"I sit before the screen, drinking in the richness of each post..
...always with a photo
to embellish the beautiful picture she has already painted with
her words.
She is a women close to my age it seems and it's possible that
endears her to me; but more likely it is the sharing of her
soul that allows for a feeling of kinship that crosses all
ages or any preconceived set point".

Her posts can be like a deep, cleansing breath.
Other times
It is a necessary pause to reflect.

Always it is memorable.

Nina shares it all and
I would encourage visiting often.

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